Friday, August 30, 2013

What's That Scalld Again?

Once Quite often I get asked what is the Scald? What does it mean? How can I be scaldy? How can I exploit people for money? Why do you exaggerate the qualities of mediocre drinks?
Great questions. Try to keep them to yourselves in future.

For the sake of the blog, I'll vaguely show some aspects of Scald; if the previous posts have failed to inform you. I recently held a competition for the scaldiest picture on my Faceblob page: Click This
If you don't follow it, you're already failing to hack the sesh.

A session not hacked
Being scaldy isn't necessarily about being out of it. Sometimes it's the complete opposite. Although not being out of it may still end up with you inside a bush.

Not the scaldiest bush I've ever seen
Scald can be incorporated into anything from sitting down to a nice dinner. From a bin. In an alleyway. Stretching all the way to a long peaceful walk in the middle of the road at four in the morning.
It can be about turning a blind eye to sell-by dates, standards, morals and anything else that may lead people to think that you're a functioning member of society.
It's also a sign of strength. Regardless of carrying tons of diseases or stopping yourself from gagging.
It shouldn't always be seen as a bad thing. It's one part being skint; five million parts heroin heroism.
It's saving your friends from vomit snipers, cartwheeling through windows & breaking the sound barrier to get into an off-license before closing time.

You may feel the scald choosing a container to put drinks in; or simply finding a place to put it.

Holding yourself together
 If it's gonna be scaldy; make it a buzz.

Also, sleep with an eye open